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How to Create Defensible Space for Wildfire Safety

Wildfire safety is critical in states like California and elsewhere in the West where the dry air increases fire risk. Defensible spaces are a way to reduce the spread of wildfire on a property, from homes to businesses. These spaces are often required by law to protect communities, so knowing how to create one should be a top priority. 

What Is a Defensible Space?

A defensible space is an area surrounding a building where the vegetation has been modified to reduce the wildfire threat. There are three practices used to create defensible spaces:

  • Removal:Any plants or vegetation that are dead or dry should be removed to keep from feeding incoming flames.
  • Reduction:The reduction principle focuses on trimming down vegetation that has dead sections and getting rid of plant parts like leaves and branches.
  • Replacement: Some plant life is more susceptible to fires than others. It's recommended to remove dense patches of flammable plants like shrubs and grasses and replace them with a well-manicured flowerbed. Plants that store a lot of water are generally the safest options, like succulents and ground covers. 

Defensible Zones

Defensible spaces are divided into zones based on the distance from the home or building in the center. The zones are:

  • Zone 0:This zone extends up to 5 feet from the building. Your most intensive removal and reduction should happen here.
  • Zone 1:This second zone extends 30 feet from a building. Zone 1 is regulated by law and includes various requirements to prevent wildfire spread. Generally, you'll want to remove and reduce dead plants and overhanging branches. You'll also want to create space between vegetation and flammable items like patio furniture. Wood piles should not be stored in this zone. 
  • Zone 2: Zone 2 extends 100 feet from your building or your property line — whichever is closest. Keep wood piles in this zone and ensure vertical spacing between vegetation to slow fire spread.
Create a Defensible Space With RC Mowers

Create a Defensible Space With RC Mowers

Excellent landscape maintenance is the key to wildfire safety, which isn't always the easiest job. Dry brush and branches can be a hazard with a push mower, so you need a better option. The R Series Remote-Operated Robotic Mower is the answer.

With the R Series, you can maintain your defensible space from a safe spot. The intelligent remote control with LCD screen and real-time information makes it possible to tackle dead and dry vegetation without a second thought. Rugged cast iron bearings and superior ground clearance allow the R Series to navigate all types of terrain.

Request a Demo Today

At RC Mowers, we know rough brush is no joke. Our R Series Remote-Operated Robotic Mower elevates your brush maintenance. Request a demo today to see the R Series in action, or reach out to our team to learn more about the tech.
